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How to run Python scripts in a web page

Install Apache on CentOS 7

1. CentOS 7 Server Minimal Install.

2. Update CentOS

- 1. First update the system software packages to the latest version.

   # yum udpate

- 2. Next, install Apache HTTP server from the default software repositories using the YUM package manager as follows.

   # yum install httpd

- 3. Once Apache web server installed, you can start it first time and enable it to start automatically at system boot.

   # systemctl start httpd
   # systemctl enable httpd
   # systemctl status httpd

- 4. Configure firewalld to Allow. Apache TrafficBy default, CentOS 7 built-in firewall is set to block Apache traffic.

   # firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=http
   # firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service=https
   # firewall-cmd --reload

- 2.1 Update system:

   # yum update

- 2.2 Install mod_wsgi with the command:

   # yum install mod_wsgi

- 2.3 Restart Apache:

   # systemctl restart httpd

- 2.4 Verify that the module is loaded:

   # httpd -M | grep wsgimixed
   The server will respond with:
   [root@localhost ~] # sudo httpd -M | grep wsgi
    wsgi_module (shared)