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Clavister cOS

Clavister News
Technical Courses
Kochbuch auf Deutsch und Dokumentation auf English
Configuration Cookbooks
cOS Core Administration Guide 12.00.18
cOS Core CLI Reference Guide 12.00.18
cOS Core Administration Guide 12.00.13
cOS Core CLI Reference Guide 12.00.13
InControl Administration Guide 1.85.00
Getting Started Guide 12.00.13 VMware
Getting Started Guide 12.00.13 KVM
Getting Started Guide 12.00.13 Hyper-V
Getting started
Getting Started E10
Getting Started E20
Getting Started E80B
Clavister Firewalls
Produkte PL
Im Kurztest: Clavister-Firewall E5
Clavister E80: neue Firewall für kleine und mittlere Firmen
Anleitungen (Video)
NG Firewall Clavister, podstawy konfiguracji internetu, adresacja IP, DNS, NTP
How-Tos: Basic Settings
How-Tos: Simple Lan-to-Lan
Clavister Lan to Lan VPN How-to
Clavister Lan to Lan VPN How-to 2
How-Tos: Simple Lan-to-Lan

Stateful Inspection
Die Datenpakete werden analysiert und der Verbindungsstatus wird in die Entscheidung einbezogen. Bei dieser Technik, die in Firewalls eingesetzt wird, werden die Datenpakete (eigentlich: Segmente) während der Übertragung auf der Vermittlungsschicht (3. Schicht des OSI-Modelles) analysiert und in dynamischen Zustandstabellen gespeichert. Auf Basis des Zustands der Datenverbindungen werden die Entscheidungen für die Weiterleitung der Datenpakete getroffen. Datenpakete, die nicht bestimmten Kriterien zugeordnet werden können oder eventuell zu einer DoS-Attacke gehören, werden verworfen. Firewalls mit SPI-Technik sind daher in sicherheitsrelevanten Anwendungen den reinen Paketfilter-Firewalls überlegen. Quelle: Wikipedia Mehr Dazu Auch hier Info
cOS Core employs a technique called stateful inspection which means that it inspects and forwards traffic on a per-connection basis. cOS Core detects when a new connection is being established, and keeps a small piece of information or state in its state table for the lifetime of that connection. By doing this, cOS Core is able to understand the context of the network traffic which enables it to perform in-depth traffic scanning, apply bandwidth management and a variety of other functions. S. 22.
Dealing with Sync Failure
Failure of the sync interface can be confirmed by comparing the output from certain CLI commands for each unit. The number of connections could be compared with the stats command. If IPsec tunnels are heavily used, the ipsecglobalstat -verbose command could be used instead and significant differences in the numbers of IPsec SAs, IKE SAs, active users and IP pool statistics would indicate a failure to synchronize. If the sync interface is functioning correctly, there may still be some small differences in the statistics from each cluster unit but these will be minor compared with the differences seen in the case of failure. S. 658

CLI console commands

Zeigt Netzwerk Interfaces und Informationen dazu (Interface name, IP Adress, Status, Interface type)


Zeigt aktive DHCP IP Vergaben (Leases) (Rule, Iface, Client MAC, Client IP, Hostname, Expire)

  dhcpserver -show -leases 
  dhcpserver -show -leases

Zeigt die Arp cache Tabele nach Interface (Alle Geräte die den Route als Gateway nutzen)

  arp -show G1
  arp -show GS
  arp -show VLAN_3000

Zeigt DNS Einstellungen


Zeigt aktive routen


Zeigt die angelegten VLANS






Lokalisierung von IP

  geoip -query

Zeigt die Eingenschaften von versiedenen Objekten.

  show DNS
  show DHCPServer

Zeigt aktive Licenz


Zeigt die VPN Tunnels

  ipsec -show
  ipsec -stat
  ipsecstats       // These two commands allow you to check whether a particular vpn tunnel is up or not. 
  killsa          //  This command will kill any IPSec connections to a particular remote peer IP. This comes handy when a tunnel de-syncronisation occures, that is, if the tunnel does not use keepalives (example due to incompatibilities with different vendors), one side of the tunnel is up and the other side is down. In order to start over, the “killsa” command can be used
  ikesnoop        // For troubleshooting IPSec vpn negotiation issues. (similar to the “debug ike” / “debug ipsec” in cisco unit)
  pcapdump        // This command starts up the packet capture mechanism on the clavister. This command is especially useful when troubleshooting connctivity issues.

  ha              // high-availability environments, HA status of the current unit (active/passive)
  ha activate     // to handover “master” (active) control to the peer, or vice versa.
  ha deactivate
  if              //   Network

Config Download mit Batch-Datei
  REM In case of one device you can use script command to download config as readable script.
  REM It can be easy done by simple batch
  @echo off
  set PUTTY="C:\Program Files\PuTTY"
  set ADDRESS=
  set USER=admin
  set PASS=admin
  set LOCAL=script.txt
  set SCRIPT=%RANDOM%.txt
  %PUTTY%\plink.exe -ssh -pw %PASS% %USER%@%ADDRESS% "script -create -name=%SCRIPT%"
  %PUTTY%\pscp.exe -pw %PASS% %USER%@%ADDRESS%:script/%SCRIPT% %LOCAL%
  %PUTTY%\plink.exe -ssh -pw %PASS% %USER%@%ADDRESS% "script -remove -name=%SCRIPT%"